ASP Bursary Application Process

  1. Register for camp.
  2. Complete an ASP Application Form.
  3. Send the ASP application to the treasurer. We cannot consider your bursary request unless you have registered. 
  4. Ideally, ASP Bursary requests are received by June 1st.
  5. After June 1st the Treasurer will anonymize requests and send them to the ASP subcommittee.
  6. ASP subcommittee will review all the ASP bursary requests we received up to that date, and allocate funds. You should hear from us about funding by June 15th. Your camp fees will not increase from the date that you register, even if the fees have gone up by the time we tell you about your funding.
  7. The maximum amount of a bursary is ½ the early bird registration fee for the appropriate age category, unless there are exceptional circumstances (see below).
  8. Exceptional Circumstances: If you believe that you might qualify for more funding because of exceptional circumstances, please contact the Treasurer by email ( to explain your exceptional circumstances and the amount you are requesting. Your request will be considered anonymously by the ASP subcommittee.
  9. The treasurer will tell you how much funding we can provide and when you have to make your payment. You can post-date your payment to August 1st if necessary.
  10. If you are unable to attend camp because of insufficient bursary funding, we will refund any fees that you paid.
  11. The ASP subcommittee will consider requests received after June 1st in the order in which we receive them. You will follow the procedure above. You will pay the fee that applies at the time that you register.

If you have any questions about ASP bursary funding, the application, or need to inform us of a change to your application(s), please contact the PMC Treasurer by email (