Committee Meeting Summary - November 2019

Your PMC Committee met November 23 in beautiful Ashburn, Ontario.

We’re really excited about the theme for 2020; as soon as artwork is ready, we’ll let you all know.

A big project for the next few months is the PMC Website. We are going to redesign the website and update the content to make it more attractive to and informative for potential new campers. Daniel Eisner will be leading this, with content help from Rae-Lyn RosefieldKaitlin AudetCynthia McMinnBradley Audet, and Lindsay Weidelich.

We also discussed and approved a financial incentive for new campers – ½ price camp! There are some limits and conditions for this, but we wanted to tell you early so you can persuade your family and friends to think about coming to camp in 2020. More information will follow.

Vic Lovatt has joined us as youth rep, Sarah Dupont is continuing work on scripts for promotional videos, and Anne Audet is looking into solving a cross-contamination issue for campers with food allergies/sensitivites.

Of course, we also discussed some more mundane things, like insurance,
safety plan, and the budget. Someone has to.

Finally, there is a great idea for fundraising in the works. Stay tuned for details of this – you won’t want to miss it.