Welcome Statement

The Presbyterian Music Camp community endeavours to be a safe and welcoming place for everyone, from newborns to seniors. Where you are coming from, or where you’re headed to; your past experiences, your dreams for the future; your deepest fears, and your highest hopes, are all a part of who you are and you are welcome in the community that is music camp.

You are welcome with your unique background, heritage and culture. Black Lives Matter. Every Child Matters. Indigenous Peoples and People of Colour are part of our community. We celebrate our diversity which is a reflection of our Creator.

You are welcome if you are single, married, divorced, separated, widowed; whether you live in a family formed by birth, by chance or by choice; whether you have children or not; if you bring children or not; if your children are clinging to your leg all week or you have to tear them away from their new camp family at the end of the week. This is a family camp and families come in all forms.

You are welcome if you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, Two-Spirit, asexual, pansexual, cisgender, non-binary, or are just learning what most of those terms mean. People of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions belong in the PMC community.

You are welcome with all of your physical, emotional and intellectual needs. We consider accessibility in all its forms, and we strive with all our creativity to meet your needs within the rocky forest setting that we love.

You are welcome whether or not you are Presbyterian, if you don’t like “organized religion”, if you bring with you another religious tradition, if you have no faith background, or if you can’t remember the last time you were in a place of worship. We are all on a journey, and we are glad that you have chosen to walk with us for a time.

You are welcome if this is your very first music camp or you have been coming your whole life; whether you make your living in music, or your musical ability is mostly wishful thinking; whether you can carry the whole section, or can’t carry a note in a basket. Music can be enjoyed by everyone.

You are welcome if you prefer shopping bags to sleeping bags, cuddling your teddy bear to a morning dip in the lake, and milk foam in latte to marshmallows in cocoa.

We welcome tree huggers, banjo players, bagpipers, seekers, doubters, bleeding hearts… and YOU!